Ramadan Etiquette: 5 Ways to Support Muslim Friends During Ramadan
- Ramadan
- November 10, 2021
- 11 minutes read
Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, where Muslims fast from dawn to sunset as part of Ramadan etiquette.
The Ramadan guide lays down rules and etiquettes Muslims follow in Ramadan.
You can support your Muslim friends in different ways, like being respectful and hosting iftar.
What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is also the holiest. During this month about 1.8 billion Muslims fast worldwide. Their fasting starts at dawn and ends at sunset.
During fasting, Muslims refrain from eating or drinking. At sunset, Muslims break the fasts and have their first meal (iftar). Iftar refers to the time in the evening when Muslims break their fast.
We recommend breaking your Ramadan fast with dates. This is due to the amount of energy and vitamins that they provide. These will help you recover from your fast. However, if dates are not available, a glass of water is also great. Drinking plenty of water is meant to rehydrate the body from the entire day’s fast.
Ramadan Guide
A Ramadan guide consists of rules that Muslims adhere to during Ramadan. The guidelines include:
Ramadan Etiquette
Ramadan is a perfect time to increase one’s faith. Muslims strive to do good deeds during this time. They believe that the rewards are in double measure. Ramadan also strengthens their relationships and promotes unity. It is an excellent time for people to sort out their differences and live in harmony.
Muslim Etiquette for Non-Muslims During Ramadan
Ramadan is a month of abundant opportunities and blessings. Muslims invite their non-Muslim friends to participate in various activities. For instance, they may invite them to eat with them on special occasions. This includes iftar and Eid, which mark the end of Ramadan.
Ramadan presents a beautiful time to engage in charitable activities. Here, Muslims often help the needy. This is offered to both Muslims and non-Muslims. An example is raising money to help them. This may be done by attending charity events.
Ramadan for Non-Muslims
As a non-Muslim, there may be a lot of questions about Ramadan. You may also have questions when it comes to etiquette.
For example, how should you treat your Muslim or Turkish friends during Ramadan? Should you treat them the same as usual? What do you say to a Muslim during Ramadan?
Here, it’s good to be considerate and understanding. Let’s read on to learn more about this holy month. We’ll also discuss what to say to Muslim friends during Ramadan.
Ramadan Greeting
There are a ton of ways to greet your Muslim friends during Ramadan. You can tell them “Ramadan Kareem.” This means, “Have a generous Ramadan.” You can say this anytime you meet them.
You can also say “Ramadan Mubarak.” This simply means “Have a blessed Ramadan.”
Once the month is over, Muslims celebrate its end with a holiday called Eid al-Fitr. During Eid, it’s appropriate to say “Eid Mubarak.” This translates to “Happy Eid.”
Knowing Ramadan greetings alone may not be enough. It’s also good to have proper etiquette during Ramadan. That is, to be considerate, mindful, and accommodating.
For example, don’t simply ask someone why they are not fasting. It may seem like a simple question to you, but it may come off inappropriately to others.
There are many reasons why some Muslims don’t fast during Ramadan. They may be sick, pregnant, nursing, or traveling. Women experiencing menstruation, children, and elderly people are also exempted from fasting.
Be thoughtful about the types of questions you ask your Muslim colleagues. Don’t ask weird questions that may be offensive. This also includes questions about body weight issues.
Rest assured that it’s totally fine to eat in front of us. However, don’t offer food or drinks to your Muslim guests during Ramadan. There are many other ways of making your Muslim visitors feel welcome.
Do’s and Don’ts in Ramadan
It is okay for Muslims to do basic personal necessities during Ramadan. These include brushing their teeth, swallowing saliva, and taking a shower. They are also allowed to go swimming. However, they should take caution when doing this so that they don’t take in water.
Muslims can also taste the food they are cooking to check the seasoning. However, they must spit it after. Ingesting food is not allowed.
Getting vaccinated during Ramadan is also within the fasting guide. This is especially good when the vaccines are declared halal. This means that they do not contain any human or pig derivatives.
Among the important don’ts in Ramadan is eating. Muslims don’t eat or drink anything, including drugs, from dawn to sunset. They also stay away from sexual relations until after having iftar (if they are married).
During Ramadan, Muslims avoid bad habits. These include arguing, swearing unnecessarily, gossiping, smoking, or taking in alcohol. Blood cupping and withdrawal are not allowed. Using ear drops or inhalers also invalidate fasts.
How Can You Support Your Muslim Friends During Ramadan?
You can support your Muslim friends, colleagues, or family in various ways:
Giving to charity
Ramadan is a month of giving. It presents an excellent opportunity to show hospitality and generosity. You can give donations or take part in Ramadan Fundraisers. You can also help the needy directly. This is done by giving them clothes or nutritious food items like dates.
Checking on your Muslim friends
Checking in on your Muslim friends is always a great idea! Feel free to ask them how they are fairing. You can either pay them a visit or call them briefly over the phone. Doing so will help your Muslim friends feel loved, supported, and seen.
Accommodating your employees
Being considerate to your employees during Ramadan is one way of supporting them. But what is the proper way to go about it?
Try scheduling meetings before sunset. Muslims fast from dawn to sunset. Therefore, they need some extra time to prepare for Iftar.
You can also accommodate the time of prayer if possible. Muslims pray five times a day for about 10 minutes. It’s unlikely for Muslims to eat lunch during Ramadan since they usually fast. So, try to move their lunchtime break to their preferred time in fellowship.
Showing love to your customers
If you are a business person, consider giving your Muslim customers great deals. Opt for discounts on products whose sales go up during the month. These include things like dates, milk, wheat flour, and so on. You can also put some commodities on offer or give out special Ramadan packages. At the very least, you can wish your Muslim customers or clients “Ramadan Mubarak” or “Ramadan Kareem.”
Sponsoring iftar
Iftar is the first meal Muslims have after breaking their fasts. One way of supporting your Muslim friends is by hosting them for Iftar. Consider it as inviting your colleagues for dinner. Be sure to have a varied menu that will accommodate everybody, in case you have a vegetarian friend. We recommend including dates to break their fasts. They may also have cold water in its absence.
Ramadan is a time of spiritual enhancement. Muslims strengthen their faith by fasting and doing good deeds. Giving charity and hosting an iftar are a few ways to support your Muslim friends. Supporting them during this time (Ramadan) is a good idea. It helps make them feel great, loved, and seen.
Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. Muslims fast during this month from dawn to sunset. After sunset, they break the fast and have their first meal called iftar.
The Ramadan guide consists of rules that govern how Muslims should behave during Ramadan. It also lays down Ramadan etiquette for non-Muslims.
There are different ways you can support your Muslim friends during Ramadan. Checking in on them and giving to charity are a few examples.